Network Marketers often struggle with the question – How Often and When to Follow Up With Prospects?
This is a great question, and while there is not an exact science as we are all unique individuals and our life situation’s change over time, and here are some ideas on how often and how to manage your contacts for better follow up!
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LOL. You’re right about how life events change the timing. I learned from an early sales manage to follow-up until someone tells me NOT to. In my eBook about followup I cite research that timelines follow-up step by step from the first 24 hours to 120 days. The reason for emphasizing this shorter timeline is because studies have shown that MOST people make a decision to buy in the first 30 days! So that is the crucial time not to let your beliefs that might be in your mind to get in your way.
Great tip!
Hi Jackie! I appreciate this post and video because I’ve followed up with people after a few months and they’ve signed up with me. It’s important to be organized and sizzle them with what you can “remember” about them. 🙂
The sizzle is sure a part of it, ha! Your book sounds great, Patricia!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer