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How Do I Find Motivated People For My Network Marketing Business
Welcome to show 69 in the Q and A edition of the Street Smart Wealth, Profit in Your PJs Podcast
Do you ever look at your Network Marketing downline and wonder why you don’t have a team of superstars? Where are all of those motivated people who walk their walk instead of just talking the talk and SAYING that they want to do this?
Get ready to listen to today’s show – click play!
My inner circle coaching program has launched and in it you will find all of the tools, training and resources you need to build a successful network marketing business online and offline. I will share what works, what doesn’t and how to build the business of your dreams, from home!
Go to SocialMediaBackstagePass.com for details.
Today’s Network Marketing question is….
How do I find motivated people to join my downline?
Thanks to Jeffrey Rodgers, for emailing me that question.
Where are all of the motivated people in Network Marketing?
- First, be motivated yourself.
- Set your intentions in your Network Marketing business and act on them
- Share your results, good and bad
- Write your vision for yourself and the team
- Share that vision – build your Network Marketing team based on that!
- Ask better questions when prospecting
- Ask better questions BEFORE signing someone up
- Find out their why
- Attend events and promote events – that’s how you get your team there and then let the momentum of the event do the work for you!
Motivation comes from inside. You can’t motivate another person in Network Marketing, in health and fitness or in anything.
You can inspire others through your vision, your belief and your actions.
Try some of the ideas I mentioned and see what happens. Ultimately, they have to really want it for themselves. To have that strong, compelling why.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. However, you can salt their oats and make them thirsty!
Learn more about building an effective Network Marketing business both online and offline in my Direct Sales Online Coaching Program!
Has this show helped you? Tweet me – @jackieulmer and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #AskJackie
Good luck in your business
Do you have a question? Ask it at JackieUlmer.com/questions
Until next time – remember this – Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!
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That would help immensely in getting the word out! Thanks.
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Let’s have some conversation!
EXPECT Success!
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Thanks again, Jackie! Awesome content, as usual!