There is a big difference between marketing online and advertising online. We all know what an ad is, and we all know what makes us cringe when we see it online.
Advertising is blatant and a turn off to networking professionals, and would be network marketing professionals when it is used anywhere but in a classified advertising or regular advertising area.
Have you ever gone to someone’s facebook timeline and it is filled with nothing but status updates about their network marketing business?
Join me on “this” opportunity call! Be one of the next 3 people I’m going to “help” become a millionaire! And so on and so on and gag me!
Do you know what many people are thinking when they see this? They are thinking – “Ew, if I join this “thing” called Network Marketing, I’m going to have to trash my wall and my friend’s newsfeed with nothing but advertising!
Not the best way to promote the profession of Network Marketing, now is it?
Some people confuse groups, pages and discussion (online) forums with advertising forums. I have built a solid business online through facebook groups, pages and these online discussion forums. I interact with people on these pages regularly but I never advertise my business there. It’s because I don’t advertise that I attract people to my site.
I “market” in online forums by providing value. I may answer a question someone has about some aspect of the business. I often offer training tips and ideas. And, I always use a signature line that contains a link to my personal website. LinkedIn is a great resource to find groups and forums where you can include a link.
Or, in the case of facebook, make sure you create a profile that really “sells” you without being “in your face sales!” I detail this in my Facebook for MLM Profits e-book!
Over time, people come to my site, sign up for my newsletter and a certain number will join me in my business. It’s just another way of creating warm market. I just do it online. I get to know people in cyberspace.
Look around the internet at some forums and you’ll quickly see what I mean. Notice the ones that are nothing more than advertising. Does that appeal to you? Would you click to know more? Do you really believe some of the wild claims that are out there?
Market, don’t advertise. You’ll generate much better results.
<—— Like this idea? Share it with others!!! And, share your comments below! I would love to start a conversation!
EXPECT Success!
Katherine Leo it takes one person at a time…One persona at a time and we will change the perception of our industry!
Katherine Leo:If somebody does not get that,they will either quit or change for the right way to market online.
That´s what we call:Attraction marketing instead of scaring people away.Great training from Jackie.
yes been telling ppl this for years… I think they are starting to get it
Agreed! Offer value…and they will come!
This article is great. I see tons of groups that are for spam. I left those groups and joined groups on Facebook and LinkedIn that has real networking.
Great article now I need to change how i interact on forums and other online interaction. I cant wait to try this. Thanks for the tips!
Thanks Victoria! Glad you are open and receptive and good luck with your new strategy!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
This is an important distinction to make, Jackie. You did a nice job. I agree about the “ew” factor of advertising in places that aren’t meant for it. Also, great marketing tips too. And see what you did here? I’m heading over to Facebook to read your profile. *That’s* attraction marketing at it’s finest. Have a great day.
(btw: visited your blog from my G+ feed, which I follow you)
Eric my friend! So nice to “see you” pop in and thanks for sharing! Thanks for sharing how it all works, ala this article. Funny!
Happy New Year and thanks for showing up!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer