How to Find Prospects Out of Your Area For Your Network Marketing Business
Today, using Social Sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Meetup and Twitter make building a Network Marketing team outside of your local area easier than ever.
People all around the globe are now right at your fingertips through groups and pages that your target audience participates in!
Keep in mind Hashtags and other key search tools are a key piece in finding those who are interested in the same things you are.
Then, use social sites to network your way to key influencers in other areas.
Say you want to expand your business in St. Louis, but you are in Florida. Do a search on Facebook for friends located in St. Louis, and expand out from there.
Establish rapport with people before you begin pitching them on your Network Marketing business so you gain their trust, and their attention. If you jump right into prospecting, you’ll lose credibility and likely, their interest.
Develop good “success language” and let people know, through private message, not wall postings that –
You are expanding a business in their area. You know they are busy, as you can see by their status updates, and so they may know a lot of people. And, they may know someone who might be a perfect fit for what you are doing.
Would they help you out and watch a short video that explains more and then give you some feedback?
This short video explains more!
Networking online is much the same as offline. Always remember there is a live, breathing human on the other end and be a professional.
Learn more about building an effective Network Marketing business both online and offline in my Direct Sales Online Coaching Program!
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EXPECT Success!
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I think one of the best tips you shared was to establish rapport before you try to pitch someone. I’ve been following you for years Jackie, quietly behind the scenes. I’ve taken wisdom I’ve learned from you and many of my other mentors and built a very large, profitable and successful blog.
Building online is not for everyone, but it is does work: once you learn the basic principles. Belly to belly still works too. Ultimately, you need to figure out what you are most comfortable with and focus on that.
Great post, Jackie.
Chuck Holmes
Awesome Chuck and thanks for sharing! It’s always so rewarding to hear the success stories!
LOVE this post! Especially how succinct and to the point it is. I just subscribed to your blog and thank you for the Twitter follow Jackie. I followed back.
Thanks Tamira, Glad it rang a bell for you!