You already know that it takes regular contact with people about your business to make it successful, and follow up, right?
I like to use the “2 a Day” philosophy, and it has paid off. Think about it -speaking to two people a day seems easy enough, right?
And a common question is – How do I Find People to Talk to About My Network Marketing Business?
I have a better question that you should be asking – listen and see:
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EXPECT Success!
Hi, Jackie,
Thank you for your insightful tips. I totally agree with you that we can never know if the person we talk to needs our products or opportunity or not. We definitely need to connect with them and ask questions. I remember Tom “big Al’ Schreiter mentioned that for many great network marketing leaders, many of them have their key leaders from their warm market! Interesting fact!
When I first started, I work exclusively using my warm market list and a bit of the extended warm market. As I am now working full time, I am willing to networking event and meet other business owners. I also believe in the ‘Business to Business’ concept. The idea is to collaborate and mastermind to see if there are chances of joint ventures or referrals.
I am a social person and enjoy meeting new friends from all walks of life. In the past year or so, I have used Facebook as the platform for meeting more friends. As you rightly mentioned, we are social beings. We make friends and see if there is any chance of helping each other out.
I am glad that I have recently become active again in LinkedIn. Social media have so much power in expanding our social network 🙂
My experience tells me that business people tend to be a bit more open when it comes to new ideas. My focus is to see if anyone they know needs a Plan B. If they are the one who needs it, we can explore further.
I appreciate your sharing, Jackie.
Viola Tam
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Viola. I like the 3 fold approach – Warm Marketing, Offline Networking and Online Networking. Creates a well rounded business and a constant source of people to talk to!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer