You’re ready to build a successful Network Marketing business, right? And maybe it is not going as quickly as you had hoped it would. Someone may have led you to believe it was as easy as talking to a few people and watching your empire explode from there.
I want to share 6 elements for success in your business! Know these and understand them and your business will build as long as you keep taking action steps.
1. You must figure out how to consistently bring in 1-4 new distributors per month.
2. Some people get started because they love the product. Some want to make money.
3. Typically 1 in 20 to 30 will build it big over time. The others will become users of the product and some will quit.
4. Some people sign up and take a long time before they ever get going.
5. Some people have lots of experience in MLM and others have none.
6. Virtually ALL successful network marketers are HUNGRY for success and are not afraid to learn, stretch, grow and take action.
You must figure out how to consistently bring in 1-4 new distributors per month. Set a goal to speak with 2 people a day about your business, following up each week with those from the previous week. You’ll determine what your ratio is to sponsor 1-4.
Some people get started because they love the product. Some want to make money. Figure out who fits into each category and don’t try to change them. Product lovers can convert to big business builders and it must be on their time. Work with those who indicate they want to build a business. You’ll know – they show up, call, ask questions, etc. Avoid chasing the others.
Typically 1 in 20 to 30 will build it big over time. The others will become users of the product and some will quit. You can’t change these numbers. It has nothing to do with you. Work with the willing and keep adding people to your business!
Some people sign up and take a long time before they ever get going. Never give up on anyone and never count on them to be your ticket to freedom. Always be adding to your business through your own personal sponsoring.
Some people have lots of experience in MLM and others have none. This is okay. It really doesn’t take long to learn the mechanics of MLM. What can take a while is developing people skills, and this is the most needed skill of all. It’s not difficult either. Build with a Give to Give attitude and always be looking at how you can serve others.
Virtually ALL successful network marketers are HUNGRY for success and are not afraid to learn, stretch, grow and take action. Are you hungry? Are you stretching, learning and growing? Are you taking action? Do a personal inventory here and see what you come up with.
Revisit these success principles regularly and see how you are fitting in. Your business growth will show you exactly how you are doing!
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EXPECT Success!
And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
Haha, love the management mode! So true, need to keep sponsoring, talking and moving. Thanks for the great reads Jackie! MnSue 🙂
Thanks Sue!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Consistency is vitally important. Your team follows what you do and if you sponsor 1 – 4 people a month, they are likely to follow your lead.
On the other hand, if you think you can sponsor a few and go into management mode, you will likely see your organization shrink.
So true Connie! They may not follow you into sponsoring 4 a month, but they will do something. Go into management mode and they will follow you for sure!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Great advice! I love your down-to-earth no-hype style and you tell us exactly what we need to succeed. Thanks Jackie!
And you are always succeeding, Ms. Lynn!
Thanks for sharing!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
When you say sponsor 1 to 4 people per month, are those personally sponsored people or do you count people in depth – meaning, I sponsored a new person and help them sponsor one, and so on, driving depth?
Hey DC, yes, I do mean 4 a month personally and then certainly working with your team in depth beyond that.
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer