Another exciting concept, and probably the most exciting concept!
Have you heard the “Penny a Day” story? This is a good illustration to get you thinking about the power of this geometric growth.
Let’s say you start on the 1st day of the month with 1 penny in your bank account. Now, you are going to double it every day for the rest of the month.
Any guess about how much you will have in your account on day 30, or, day 31?
Well, here you go –
Day 1 – 1 cent
Day 2 – 2 cents
Day 3 – 4 cents
Day 7 – 64 cents (hmmmm)
Day 14 – $81.92 (getting a little more interesting)
Day 21 – $10,485.76 (getting A LOT more interesting!)
Day 30 – $5,368,708 (I’m definitely interested!)and you can do the math on Day 31!!
See the power of geometric growth and duplication?
Duplicating yourself means teaching someone else to do what you do. When the two of you each teach another person, you duplicate it again, only twice. And so on, and so on, and so on!
(Remember that shampoo commercial about telling two friends, who tell two friends?)
Combine the three strengths, and you’ve got a remarkable system for success, that ANYONE can do, if they CHOOSE.
Study these concepts and learn how to explain it. And, watch your business grow, and duplicate, and so on, and so on.
One important thing to note is that true success in this industry starts with a few customers. Others who love your product or service and want to buy it, without getting involved in the business side of it.
Learn how to develop a few loyal customers and teach those who join you in the business the same concept.
The success of any business is grounded on the principle of having customers for your business.
Don’t be afraid of the word “sales.” It’s not a dirty word and even though some in our industry run from it, don’t be one of them. “Sales” is not about brow beating someone into using your products. It’s about developing your own story around your hot button and then sharing that with others. Those who can relate to your hot button will raise their hand and let you know.
This is where you find your customer base. Some of those customers will love your products so much that they want to market them, too. Great!
Just don’t try to force the ones who only love the product into selling them. Instead, appreciate their support, and reward them for being “ambassadors” for you. When they refer others, you can give them free product, a discount, movie tickets, or something!
After all, you wouldn’t expect the waiter serving you dinner to try and talk you into going to work at the restaurant. Same is true in our business.
So, now you should have a pretty solid grasp on the concept of Network Marketing, and how time and money leverage can create an exciting business and lifestyle for you.
Here is Part 1 if you missed it! – What Is Network Marketing.
Part 2 – Time Leverage in Network Marketing
And, Part 3 – How Residual Income Works in Network Marketing
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And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
Thanks for sharing your feedback. We do have such a simple concept. We just share, rinse and repeat, ha! If we just do that, the geometric progression and growth explosion happens! I’ve experienced it twice and it is powerful.
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Hi Jackie:
Love the simplicity and down-to-earthness of your teaching. It just makes sense and helps me to stay grounded in my own truth.
Blessings over the Holidays,
Dear Jackie,
Our minds must have trouble comprehending geometric progression. Think of how many people don’t understand the power of compounding interest working for them and against them.
I was thinking recently of J. Paul Getty’s famous quote. Can’t remember it exactly, but the gist of it is that 1% of 100 peoples efforts is better than 100% of just your own. This concept of leverage is what makes our business model so powerful. A lot of people doing a little. Then if you happen across a person like you who does a lot; well so much the bettter.
Wishing You Plenty to Live,
Tom Doiron