Network Marketing is a business of duplication and being coachable.
If we aren’t willing to take on the “coachable” part, it often slows down or completely stops the “Duplication” part of things.
When we are new, we also try to “justify” why, in our case, it’s okay to take on a different path.
We aren’t going to do ths one part that is recommended because “blah, blah, blah” (insert excuse here!)
Now, I know, I’ve been there, done that! I have been the queen of justifying why “that wouldn’t work for me” way too many times in my business!
Pay attention to any of those areas that you are resistent about. This is usually a clue and if you pay attention, you might be amazed.
Find a solid mentor who does the business in a way that resonates with YOU and then follow those action steps. See if any of this sounds like you –
What steps CAN you and WILL you take right now to get out of this negative cycle and move yourself forward?
<—— Like this idea? Share it with others!!! And, share your comments below! I would love to start a conversation!
EXPECT Success!
Deborah Tutnauer says
I see this behavior of excuses so often in my team. But more importantly, even with my level of leadership, your video made me think about my own focus at times and diversions…It’s always so important to look at oneself and reassess on a regular basis.
Thanks for this video.
Peace and Abundance,
Deborah Tutnauer
.-= Deborah Tutnauer´s last blog ..What is the Global Entrepreneurial Movement and Why Does It Matter To Your Business? =-.
Nicole says
I found that in my own business and in working with others…the 2 factors that created “excuses” were FEAR and lack of RAZOR SHARP FOCUS. (with FEAR being the #1 factor that holds people back.) We know what we need to do, this business is all about duplication of a system that is in place an ALREADY working…but because we fear making those calls or stretching ourselves just a teeny bit further…we start to justify our lack of inaction with many many excuses. However, when take the time to sharpen our focus…to create a vision of what success is going to look like, feel like, taste like… we tend to inch forward…when we combine that with solid coaching that’s when we start to see the real results, thats when those fears start to dissipate. Everything gets easier when we have someone working alongside us to to help us identify what exactly is holding us back…what we are afraid of and then forging forward with us and keeping us accountable!
Nikiya says
Once again Jackie… You are hitting an issue straight on! Thanks for the info.
Jackie Ulmer says
Would you say more about what you struggle with? Finding time? Steps to take? Business/Product to offer? Etc.
Would love to help you brainstorm this!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Sheela Keck says
I feel I am struggling with developing the necessary steps to create a successful online business.