True Grit Staying Power in Network Marketing
Stick and stay til you get your pay!
Yes, it is true that anyone can do this business, and the reality is that most won’t.
Why do some stick it out while others do not?
I believe this largely comes down to the power behind someone’s reason for starting the business in the first place, along with their willingness to shed the “employee mentality, if they have one, and adopt a business owner mentality.
One has to be willing to try, fail, persevere and NOT give up in the face of adversity, or seeming adversity. There are many lessons in this to learn ourselves and to teach our children.
The question has been asked, first by the late, great Jim Rohn, I believe – “How long will you give your baby to learn to walk?” The answer of course is – “As long as it takes.”
Why then, will we not adopt this same attitude in our business? Why do we not realize that we are developing specific business skills that most people do not bring into the business.
The first time one steps onto the basketball court, it is often awkward and very few shots make the basket. Over time, and with consistent practice and “showing up” one gets better. Those who persist, often go on to star on their basketball team’s; go onto college ball and a very few elite will play professional basketball.
In most cases, the professionals are the ones who missed the most shots; practiced the most hours and flat out refused to quit.
Do you have this will power and staying power in you business? What do you want badly enough that your business can bring? How badly do you want it?
Success or failure in a Direct Sales business most often comes down to just refusing to quit when the going gets tough, and persevering to see the job through.
Where do you fit into that?
Have you ever considered trashing your PERFECTLY good business because –
a. No one showed up at your home party/business overview?
b. Your first 10 leads said “no thanks!”
c. Your family told you that you might be crazy for doing this?
d. A full year has gone by and you have not sponsored anyone?
You are in the RIGHT place and the RIGHT time and are surrounded by people who have experienced ALL of the above.
Do you have true grit staying power?
I SURE hope so because you will NEVER regret sticking around for the ride.
If your first step “fix it” program does not work, exhaust every other fix along the way and you WILL rise to the top!
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Do you have a business you love; one that will take you where you want to go? AWESOME! Work it hard and know what you are selling.
If you are still looking for that right business and right mentor, someone who has “been there, done that” and built the million dollar income, I would love to explore that possibility with you.
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EXPECT Success!
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Hi Jackie,
Great post, you have shared a wealth of are so correct staying power is key to success in this industry.
Definitely takes persistence, no doubt. Sometimes the quitting seems so much easier, and true grit is what it takes to keep your head in the game.
Great post Jackie, as always! 🙂
.-= Debbie Wood´s last blog ..The Meaning of Persistence: It’s All About Never Quitting. =-.