It seems simple enough – block the time and do the action steps. But are you making the most of your time and your action steps?
Taking some thoughts from the inspiring and thought provoking book, “The Last Lecture,” here are 3 simple ideas for you to make the most of the time you have. Manage your time carefully; write down a plan; execute that plan with the time you have!
Remember, we all have the same 24 hours in a day, whether you are the President of the United States; a homeless person; a stay home mom; or a working professional. YOU control your calendar!
So, how will you manage your time? And, have you written down your plan?
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EXPECT Success!
Aloha Jackie,
Excellent blog post and such a great book! I saw Randy’s lecture online and he is so inspiring!
Thank you for detailing the crucial things to look at for time management. I love your videos and your concise way of making things so simple, yet so effective!
Much love & gratitude,
Kellie 🙂
It’s funny how we all have 24 hours in a day….every day. It’s how we prioritize and use it that matters!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
I have personally mapped out my entire year as to when I am working and when its family time. I did this prior to sending out my Dec. 26 Booking Letter to my clients.
.-= Patty Reiser´s last blog ..Project 365: Day 6 =-.