If you’ve been involved in Network Marketing for very long at all, you have surely run into some one who is very negative about your business; and in most cases, without ever even taking a look at it!
You may have even seen a snicker and heard a laugh as they snidely say – OH, you got involved in one of THOSE, eh?
Well, that’s fine. Network Marketing isn’t for everyone; and neither are a lot of things. For instance, I have never been interested in Real Estate sales because, quite frankly, I don’t want to work 70-80 hours a week; weekends and MANy holidays and be at the beck and call of my clients. It’s a great profession, highly lucrative for those who are committed, but not for me.
And, I would never SAY this to anyone I know who did choose to get involved!
So, this short video is going to give you some solid language skills and an idea of what to say back to the person who rains on your parade; and will likely shut them up for good! Enjoy
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Do you have a business you love; one that will take you where you want to go? AWESOME! Work it hard and know what you are selling.
If you are still looking for that right business and right mentor, someone who has “been there, done that” and built the million dollar income, I would love to explore that possibility with you.
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EXPECT Success!
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Great post and video. Thanks for sharing. I just posted an article by Orrin Woodward offering The best answer to our most asked question… A B Business Or A Pyramid Scheme?
Kind regards,
That was wonderful and to the point Jackie. There are so many Monday morning quarterbacks that have all the answers for YOU and pre judge…thanx again.
Isn't that the truth? Glad you enjoyed it, and let me know if you've used it yet!
That will get them off their high horse!
That will get them off their high horse!
Yep, and it allows you to stay strong and postured and that's a GOOD thing!
That’s awesome advice, Jackie! I will definitely remember that – thanks. 🙂
Would love to hear how it works for you, Emily!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Hi Jackie what a great little video so simple and to the point. Thanks for sharing this with us I know that this will work even over here in the UK.!
Thanks Tony! Yes, it will work anywhere! Give it a try!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer