What’s more important to you in your “friendships” on Facebook or any other Social Media Marketing site – Quality or Quantity?
I hope your answer is quality. What’s the point of 5000 “friends” if they don’t know who you are; aren’t interested in your message; and are not interacting with you?
I wanted to share a simple, easy, POWERFUL tip on making quality friends on Facebook.
First, we all know that hitting our target market is a great way to generate friends, followers, interest and potential team partners more quickly, right?
And, a great way to take that a step further is to really focus on ENGAGING people from the beginning. Get to know people; seek to develop a relationship of some sort.
How many times do you get a random friend request and you wonder WHY they requested you; how they found you; and what you have in common? If you are wanting to build a powerful following, I recommend not just accepting everyone who requests to be friends, based on quantity.
Again, 5000 friends who don’t really know you or care about your message is not nearly as powerful as 500 who you have a real connection with.
So, USE the message feature when you make a friend request. Take the few extra seconds to request as a friend and then hit the Send a Message tab and say –
Hey, Joe. I saw you on XYZ discussion board and see we have some common interests. I liked what you had to say and would love to connect as friend here on Facebook.
Jackie Ulmer
Or, Hey Joe, I see we are both in Southern California and we have some common interests. Do you ever attend any offline meetups or anything? I would love to connect here on Facebook.
Jackie Ulmer
Now, doesn’t that seem more engaging to YOU? Don’t you feel like this person has a genuine interest in you and not just adding a notch to the friend belt?
Then, when Joe accepts your request, take it a step further with another message or wall post (not a biz op!!!!)
Now you have gone out of your way to be more than a “Drive by friend” and Joe might remember you when he sees your posts out on the news feed.
Try it and I would love to hear how it is working for you!
REALLY – strive to develop QUALITY and not just quantity. This is attraction marketing. Make it attractive!
I would love to hear your feedback and comments. Let’s exchange ideas
below. Just leave your thoughts/questions.
And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
Aloha Jackie,
I love this article on quality, not quantity. When I first started to learn this “new language”, I was told about automated tools to increase my friends, etc and it worked to increase the numbers, however, I did not build any relationships with them.
Thank you for shedding some light on this very important concept of powerful relationships on FB.
Much love & aloha,
Kellie 🙂
Thanks Kellie and it was GREAT connecting with you today! THAT is how online friendships should work!
Excellent post, Jackie. You are 100% correct. You cannot just add people to Facebook at random. If you do, you’ll miss out on cultivating a relationship with that target market that can help your business immensely.
Great post Jackie, you are right on…In the beginning I was not being selective. I added anyone who requested my friendship..Boy was I wrong..As soon as I confirmed..I was inundated with tons of join me here, do this there, buy, buy, join, join; type of emails. I have sense learned to accept only those who I have something in common with. thanks again for the post!
.-= Alycia Cheatham´s last blog ..Attraction Of Success =-.
Thanks for the comments and feedback ladies. It’s easy to get caught up in the numbers when you hear so much garbage out there about adding 20,000 followers and such, but then – what’s the point? Someone not interested in your message or you as a person is of no value on your friends/contacts list.
Enjoy the Easter Weekend!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Great article and right on! It’s so refreshing to read your post and a wonderful reminder that’s it’s not about the number of friends on Facebook. Powerful relationships are what builds a direct sales business.
Love & Success,
Jill Shea
.-= Jill Shea´s last blog ..7 Quick Tips to Save Time at Your Shows – Work Smarter Not Harder =-.
Jackie…I like the format. This is my usual MO..though the other day I mindlessly accepted a faceless friend and he ended up posting rude comments on all my facebook pictures.
So that’s the downside of not really taking the time to “know” your facebook friends..
Peace and Abundance,
Deborah Tutnauer
.-= Deborah Tutnauer – ITS ALL SUCCESS TV´s last blog ..ITS ALL SUCCESS TV: Getting Rid of Fuzzy Thinking =-.
I agree with you Jackie. You will get the response you intended by making the initial effort to build a relationship by using the message feature. I even use it when adding close family and friends.
And just like a flower, you have to cultivate that relationship. Do this and one day you will have a garden full of flowers, I mean friends. 🙂
And you never know who may be watching you. A convo I was having on Facebook was being watched by a friend of a friend and next thing you know I am getting an email that I have a new Team member.