I was chatting with a downline team member today who was procrastinating everything in her business and feeling quite down about it.
She expressed an interest in moving forward but was taking no steps to do so, and was instead, paralyzed by in-action.
So, I asked her – “How do you FEEL when you are wanting to succeed and yet not taking steps to make it happen?”
Of course, she answered that it made her feel terrible, guilty, like a loser, and so on.
“Well, do you LIKE feeling that way and do you want to continue to feel that way?”
Recognition and acknowledgment of a weakness is the first and GREATEST step toward resolving it.
We laid out some simple steps she could take that say to move forward in some small way in this business and feel successful! And, in doing this, I gave her some tools for coaching herself through procrastination.
Are you having any of these same thoughts in your business? Are you FEELING this same way?
I have learned to gauge my success based around the way I feel and the thoughts I am CHOOSING to run through my head.
Here is something for you to try – pay attention to your – Feel-O-Meter. That is, pay attention to how you are feeling each hour of the day. If you sit down to make calls to prospects, check your Feel-O-Meter. Make sure you are on the high side of the chart or DO NOT MAKE THE CALLS.
And, if you find that you are on the low side, make a conscious decision to change the way you feel. You CAN change the way you feel. One fast way to do this is to think of the happiest day of your life and let that feeling overtake you.
Then, when are feeling exhilarated and in control, then begin to make those calls.
This is one small method you can use to coach yourself to success.
Another is to ask yourself for guidance.
If you are sitting down to write out that “perfect script” to say to prospects, think about how YOU would like to be introduced to your business. Think about word choices and ways of saying things that might be a turn off to you.
Personally, I am turned off by any hypey language or claims of having the BEST of anything. So, when someone begins to talk to me in this way, I immediately begin to shut down.
What turns you off in the prospecting process? Whatever it is, do not include it in what you say, even if your sponsor swears by it.
Coach yourself to success just by being WHO and WHAT you are. You have the answers inside. Just ask your “master counsel” and then LISTEN!
I would love to hear your thoughts on some of these questions! Leave your comments below and let’s chat!
Hey Jackie. Great post! I really liked how you pointed out that if something don’t sound right to you, don’t say it even if your sponsor swears by it. That is such a good point considering it might have worked for them, but maybe that is why your not moving forward cause it’s not working for you…the prospect can also “feel it” in your voice. Also I love the coach yourself just being who and what we are. Great post again.
Thanks for your feedback Kia!
We have everything we need, REALLY, inside of us. Once we clear out the clutter, that inner voice knows what we need/should/want to be doing!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer