Sponsoring and duplication comes easily in your Direct Sales business when you teach others how to make immediate income! . You have great products and a great opportunity, right? Use these as a valuable resource to make $800 - $1500 a month in... [Read more...]
Retail to Recruit with Parties Have you incorporated "Party Style" into your Direct Sales business? What would an extra $500 - 1500 a month mean to your business? How much easier do you think it might be to sponsor people into your business if... [Read more...]
Any of these excuses look familiar? Now, let me be the first to say, I have used every one of these, so I'm not picking on you. My goal is to help you see that excuses will get you no where, and the sooner you let go of them, the faster your... [Read more...]
Ready to get more Bookings? Increase Your Sales? Create More Interest in Your Business? Great, let's talk about a powerful component to your sales and show process that we often don't give enough thought to – your word choices! How carefully... [Read more...]
One key to successfully sponsoring more team partners is to ask good questions, find the need and fill it. Another key is to be helpful in assisting them in getting the information they need to make a wise choice when they are looking at more... [Read more...]
True Grit Staying Power in Network Marketing Stick and stay til you get your pay! Yes, it is true that anyone can do this business, and the reality is that most won't. Why do some stick it out while others do not? I believe this... [Read more...]