10 Tips For Direct Sales Business Builders for the Holidays
Where is the value to your prospect?
Recruiting is the Life Blood of Your Direct Sales Business
Delayed Gratification of Residual Income
How to Establish Credibility With Your Direct Sales Market
Network Marketing vs Franchising – Is There a Comparison?
Old School, New School, Direct Sales Success School
Benefits of Prospecting Through the Internet
What Are You Doing For Your Business During the Holidays
Understanding Network Marketing Compensation Plans
Income Results Here Are Not Typical For Direct Sales
Will You Stick it Out For the Long Haul in Your Business?
True Grit Business Staying Power Success in a Direct Sales or any type of home business DOES require true grit and staying power. That basically boils down to the ability to try, fail, persevere and NOT give up in the face of... [Read more...]
Is it possible to motivate your downline?
How do You Motivate Your Downline? I am often asked how to motivate ones downline. And, what do you do to motivate your downline? Here are my answers to these types of questions. --I don't personally believe that it is possible to... [Read more...]
Build Your Business With Urgency – Today’s is the DAY!
NOW is the perfect time to build your business; to put yourself into massive, consistent, effective action. Not yesterday, it's gone. Not tomorrow, it never comes. But right now, this moment, in this day. Build your business with a... [Read more...]
Selling “The Dream” in Network Marketing – Are We Being Fair?
When we "Sell the Dream", Should We Also Sell the "Reality? I was recently asked by someone who has been involved in Network Marketing for over 20 years and had little to no success about whether it is right or wrong, or even unethical to... [Read more...]
Do Most People Fail in Direct Sales and MLM?
MLM Failure. Yikes, it conjures up awful feelings and emotions, doens't it? Do you know anyone who has failed in MLM? Have you failed in your MLM Business? I invite you to begin looking at failure in our profession in a different way. No one... [Read more...]