Can I REALLY build a successful Network Marketing business online? Can the internet really work for me?
Absolutely, but it is critical that you become a good student and understand the entire process of creating your message and attracting others to you online.
Attraction Marketing and Social Media Marketing are extremely powerful ways to bring in highly qualified prospects who are interested in what you are offering, be it product or opportunity. Web 2.0 has made it easier than ever. YouTube; Twitter; Facebook and more – these are all great places to create content; to contribute to the community; to build relationships.
Be a good student and master the skills to be successful. It’s not about ADVERTISING in Social Media Marketing; it’s about making contacts and building relationship.
Besides the obvious question – can one really build a successful MLM online, there are 5 other questions that I hear alot –
1. I have a website/blog; how come it’s not getting any traffic.
2. I posted information about my product and my website on Facebook and no one bought anything. Why not?
3. There are so many people online already; how to I stand apart from the crowd?
And two other questions that you may be wondering.
Anything I missed?
I would love to hear your feedback and comments. Let’s exchange ideas
below. Just leave your thoughts/questions.
And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
Hi Jackie,
Terrific video! The point you make about the blessing of not being able to use a Network Marketing company’s name or imagery can also be applied to business cards. I do not use company branded business cards for the same reasons you say it’s great not to use company branded stuff online. Our business cards need only have our name on them with a link to our blog and cell phone, along with some of the ways we can solve problems for others.
I love your style! Thanks for your transparency about the reality of this business model. 🙂
Mary Lou
Thanks Mary Lou! I’m with you – LEAD and brand yourself and people will make your opportunity secondary. Nothing wrong with that. I hear you had a rocking time on the Mastermind Call! I’ll be Baaaaack soon!
Thanks for sharing!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Aloha Jackie,
I love that you answer questions for people right on your blog! Something I may want to implement.
Your information is so valuable for many people who are learning how all of this Web 2.0 stuff works. It took me quite a while to even understand the differences between 1.0 & 2.0, etc.
Thank you for making it simple and I love that I can refer people back to your blog to learn! Awesome!
Much love & gratitude,
Kellie 🙂
Thanks Kellie!
Web 2.0 really changed things because of the interaction. It really opened up the internet for creating relationships and allowing people to REALLY get to know us. Solve a problem for someone and you have a friend for life!