3 Keys to Direct Selling Success
There are three very specific things you MUST have to be successful in YOUR business - Desire - you have to have a burning desire. It's hard for me to explain this if you don't have it; and if you do have it, you know exactly what I mean. You... [Read more...]
Do You Have “True Grit Direct Sales Staying Power”
Success and Your Dream Book – the Secret Ingredient
Retail to Recruit Through Party Plan
The Party Plan business model in Direct Sales offers an incredible platform for building a team; residual income; all while putting immediate cash in your pocket through each event. It creates a perfect scenario for leveraging your time. It's... [Read more...]
Simple Steps to Use Video Marketing in Your Business
Direct Sales Leadership Defined
Direct Sales – It's Opening Outlets
Network Marketing and Recruiting the Heavy Hitter
If you've been in MLM any length of time, you've heard about the heavy hitter and the power in recruiting one. A heavy hitter is defined as someone who has already had success in the business, and is sure to bring a huge team, and huge paycheck to... [Read more...]