Success in Network Marketing involves a lot of different things, but the most important really comes down to your attitude.
Who is in charge of your actions, feelings, emotions and efforts? You are!
Attitude, or posture as it’s also called, is the key to your success.
Have you made the decision to be successful?
Do your words match your feelings?
How many times have you found yourself “defending” your business or your belief in Network Marketing?
Always put yourself in the right frame of mind before you have a conversation about your business.
Take control, don’t be afraid to terminate the conversation when you feel yourself sliding into defense mode, and be the first to tell your prospect “no, I don’t think my business would be right for you.”
Look at the top income earners in any company. Do you think they ever feel the need to defend their business? I doubt it. Practice posture from the very beginning.
Remember, you hold the “get out of jail (in less than 40 years)” card.
Share your opportunity and your vision with posture!
You hold the cards!
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Jackie, great tip on attitude and posture in business! I referenced this particular post on my blog post!