Is It Really As Simple as a Compelling Why to Create Focus?
Well, that may be slightly oversimplified, but in a nutshell, yes, this is a HUGE part of it. When your why is strong enough, the how and what to do will show up in your Network Marketing business.
You will know the steps you need to take each day; you will roll out of bed ready to go, fully focused on the path you need (and want) to travel to make your dreams a reality. What are your dreams? They are written down, right?
Here is the thing most people don’t want to hear, or take ownership of, the hard, cold truth – your struggles are all caused by you.
Simple shifts in mindset, thinking and education can make all of the difference.
And, sometimes, just getting back in the saddle is what you need!
Last week, I shared some ideas on increasing your focus, clarity and getting rid of procrastination. Read that here.
So, what’s YOUR story? How are you doing with your focus and action steps?
<—— Did this article help you? If so, it would mean a lot to me if you would share it with others!!! And, share your comments on Facebook below!
Let’s have some conversation!
EXPECT Success!
Hi Jackie, Thanks for your post here and your always informative blog. I agree thoroughly when you talk about having an everyday action plan for your network marketing business. I often hear network marketing referred to as a “non-traditional business.” I think this term encourages a false level of security. To me, network marketing is a business just like any other business with customers, expenses, etc, and needs a daily action plan reaching towards your own big “why” as you have discussed. Keep the good stuff coming as always. Regards, Ross.
Thanks so much Ross! I do appreciate you!
And, I agree, we have to treat it like any other business in terms of commitment and action!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer