Recently, while coaching a new team member, some interesting questions came up and I thought it might make for a good discussion. Maybe this might assist you as well.
1. When speaking with a prospect that answered an ad or came in through your website, there are many questions that can be asked. What question would you consider to be the very most important?
My Answer – It depends on where the prospect comes from, but two I ask most frequently are – “What did you see about our business (or ad) that made you want to talk personally (or know more, etc) Again, that will vary depending on the lead. If they come into my website directly, I know they previewed some info to get to the contact page. If it’s an ad, something there got their attention. There are scripts available that have these questions in them! Remember, our goal is to be relationship based and asking questions, listening and then responding make that happen.
2. It seems to me like your entire focus on the business has been recruiting. I am under the impression, that you have never done a lot of retailing, very few shows and parties and you have primarily sold products as a result of prospecting. How then can you successfully sponsor and talk with people about these areas when you have very little experience yourself with them?
My Answer – Well, first impressions aren’t always accurate, ha! I have and still do retail. I don’t seek out these opportunities as much anymore, but living in a small town and having worked that avenue a little more in the beginning, some of them find me now. And, my best customers give me customer referrals now! One of my very first action steps was doing a home party for a friend, before I held my own open house. I even went to Phoenix to do it! My first summer I did Farmer’s Markets and Market Nights every week with my kids, and spent that time “trying to find myself” as o what all areas of the business would be a fit for me.
All along, I was recruiting and using the Internet skills I had developed over the past few years. At that time, I was still unsure that my company was a fit and sorting out what direction this industry was going to take me. Due to an odd circumstance, the answer came to me that this was THE business for me, and I jumped into recruiting at that point full bore because I was trained in this industry as a recruiter. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks. The bottom line is, experience each area of building the business to some extent so you can coach others. This has served me well; strengthening my weaknesses as well as my strong points. Now, I have the resources to train others on each area of the business, and this frees up my time to do what I love – recruit and coach others! Find your niche and then work it!
I’ve learned to recognize what my gifts are and where my passions lie, and coaching a team and exposing opportunities to others is my TRUE passion. I proudly claim that I am a focused RECRUITER and COACH! In sports, there is a recruiter and there is a coach. In network marketing, we scout out the talent and work to assist in that development, too!
3. I noticed that you have purchased generic leads from other sources, as well as developed your own online. Are they worth the time and money? Or is it better to spend all my efforts to get myself out there online via articles, blogs, e-courses, social media marketing, etc. and let people come to me even though it may be a slower process.
I believe that the BEST lead is the one that comes to you personally. I LOVE working the internet and I see the time I spend out there as equivalent to doing a Farmer’s Market or a show, etc. I can hang in my work out clothes, though!! The BEST way to work this business is the way you are most passionate about. When I work leads, I lean more toward my target market categories, or VERY fresh MOM leads, since I am one and can relate! My thought is that a combination of working both leads AND the internet process, along with notifying your warm market can be very effective in exposing your business and developing your business skill set. My primary methods get leads coming to me, and that is always my desire!
4. What is the number one thing that you think anyone in this business who wants to succeed at a high level should know?
Know that it is a process. Know that there are times of feeling unbalanced; times of feeling inadequate; times of wanting to quit; times of feeling it will never happen for you; times of feeling that EVERYONE else is better at this than you are. Know that these feelings will pass.
Know also that there are times of IMMENSE joy. Watching someone you’ve sponsored sign up their first person; watching someone earn $1000 at a show; watching someone’s children get involved; having your (my) son tell me he appreciates my business; having my daughter come up to my office and ask what she can help out with, and working TOGETHER, talking and bonding; having your husband tell you he’s starting to feel like a kept man (and he is grinning from ear to ear when he says it!); watching leaders develop, shine and lead their own teams; winning an award; having MANY on your team win MANY awards; learning from the powerful people who have shown up in your group; believing every day that today is fabulous and tomorrow will be even BETTER!
Know that the only way you experience ALL of this is by staying in the game; learning; growing and developing!
You are a winner! Let that winner shine!!
Thanks for asking!
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Thanks Debra!
It’s fun to look back, for me!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Another interesting post with some great answers to those questions. Love reading what you write Jackie!