One of the most important factors in determining your success in your Network Marketing and Direct Sales business is getting off to a solid start. You MUST launch you business right in order to see success, grow and duplicate.
And, duplication IS the name of the game. It’s what we must have to be successful!
Here are some simple steps to take and teach others. Remember, these are simple TO DO, and simple NOT TO DO! Have a “Slight Edge” mentality and Just Do It! These are your business launch steps and have consistently over time been PROVEN to create the most successful business model.
1. Determine and write down your WHY. Get out of your head and into your heart and create a burning desire that will propel you forward. Write down some goals that you really want to achieve and pick your top 5 to focus on first. Make a copy of your written WHY and put it near your phone, computer, on your sun visor in your car, in your daytimer, on your bathroom mirror, etc.
2. Get committed – sounds simple, and the words are easy to say – but are you TRULY committed. Write down your action steps for the previous month and you’ll see just how committed you are. I can look at a person’s tracking sheet and daytimer and see how committed they are. Don’t say WHAT you will do. Go DO IT first and then let others know!
3. Schedule your business time. That’s right – GET IT IN THE CALENDAR! My mantra is – if it’s not on the calendar, it won’t get done! Make a COMMITMENT to do something every day that is an income producing activity.
4. Make Your List – if you’ve already started, great, be adding names to that list. Spend some serious time on this and write down the names of the top influencers and people who get things done. Who would be your A-Team?
5. Develop Your Plan – Yep, you have to know what you are going to do every step of the way. You’ve started your plan with the first 4 steps and now you need to know how you are actually going to execute “getting things done.” So, part of this is knowing what you are going to say when you contact those on your list; how you are going to show your business (third party tools and the SYSTEM your company uses) and then your plan for number of contacts each day. That’s REALLY it – what will you say; how will you show the business; how many contacts a day.
6. Determine what tools you need to execute your plan and get them ordered. Check with your sponsor/upline to determine exactly what this will be. Business cards, brochures, CDs to hand out, DVDs, etc. These are the tools you’ll need, and it will vary depending on what your company uses.
7. Place your first order and GET ON YOUR COMPANY’S AUTO-SHIP OR MONTHLY RECURRING ORDER PROGRAM. You must be a “product of the product” and have product to show those who you contact. Be SERIOUS in your business an replace everything in your home that competes with your products. This helps you develop product knowledge, which is so important. Just reading about something is not enough. You need to have first hand knowledge! This is critical. Your prospect will know what you know on this topic. You really can’t “fake it til you make it” here!
8. Get Plugged In – get on all available company and team conference calls, webinars and attend local events. Schedule regional events and your company convention in your daytimer RIGHT NOW and get registered for convention. Make the commitment now. Check with your sponsor/upline for all events, calls and newsletters you should be plugged into!
Well, that’s it. Pretty simple, isn’t it? And, as I said – simple to DO, and simple NOT TO DO! One last thought, anything you alter or take out of the equation dilutes your duplication process. This is a proven system that works, and will work for you, too!
Some of you may be saying – wait; where does my blog, facebook, twitter and other online tools fit into this? Those are future steps, to be sure. But don’t delay the start and initial success in your business by missing the launch plan!
I would love to hear your comments – Speak Your Mind – below!
Hi Jackie,
I have to say that the commitment part is what holds the key. Focus on the end goal and avoid distractions until you make it.
A great philosophy for other business owners to follow.
Hey James!
Commitment is EVERYTHING and it does hold the key! Thanks for sharing!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer