Whether you are in Party Plan or Network Marketing, these 5 Tips are for you, if you are serious about moving your business forward.
Tip #1 – Host Your Own Party – this can be a business launch party, for those in Network Marketing; or a Home Party more centered around retail sales and the “retail to recruit” platform if you are in Party Plan. Choose a fun theme and do some simple decorations. People still love being social in these economic times and you can offer a great gift to those who may be looking.
If it’s a business launch party, let people know you are going to have some fun and learn about some options for adding an extra paycheck each month. Have fun music playing; great guests and get them into the fun, social side of things and then plan on about 20 minutes to show your business
Tip #2 – Ask for Referrals – stay in business mode wherever you are and be prepared to meet people, pass out a card and ask the question – Who do you know?
Who do you know who loves getting free stuff and hosting home partes?
Who do you know who is looking for some extra income?
Who do you know who…….(insert a problem you can solve?)
Tip #3 – Follow Up – Go back through your names list and list of those who you have previously spoken with about your business; either as a potential party host; or business builder. When was the last time you refreshed them on what you are doing? Mail a postcard; make a phone call; invite to take another look; send an email (least responsive!) Do something to get back and touch. Studies have shown that a person has some sort of change in their life about every 6 months. You never know when it’s something big enough to cause your prospect to take a second look.
Tip #4 – Join a networking group. Networking groups are designed for business. What a great way to pick up retail sales and also potential team partners. Check with your local chamber of commerce; bni.com; meetup.com and Google for other ideas. You can create an endless stream of people to talk to and network through by joining a group designed for networking.
Tip #5 – Re-define your goals; and re-evaluate your philosophy. Did you know that two huge companies were started during a recession? Microsoft and Disneyland! In fact, more than half of the companies that make up the DOW Jones industrial average began during a recession. So stop using the economy as an excuse for why you business isn’t working. If you will define your goals, and then get your thinking straight, you’ll figure out how to make your business soar.
Stop listening to the news and start listening to advisors like Robert Kiyosaki (The Business of the 21st Century) and Donald Trump (Why We Want You to Be Rich). After all, wouldn’t you rather be advised by someone who is making millions than a newscaster only scraping by?
Get your education from someone who has accomplished what you want to accomplish.
Put these 5 simple tips into play and see what happens.
Easy to do; easy not to do. The choice it yours.
I would love to hear your feedback and comments. Let’s exchange ideas
below. Just leave your thoughts/questions.
And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
Hi Jackie! Thanks for sharing your tips!
Thanks for sharing ladies! I love and welcome your feedback!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Dear Jackie,
Once again, thanks. Top Tips… and I’m re-posting it on Facebook and Twitter.
Karen Bain
Thanks Jackie, awesome tips and enough to motivate me to go back over my lists to find people who were looking for a business and for those also who bought products.
Great tips! I’m going to quote you on FB, if you don’t mind. I need to do a better job of pinging my existing customers to see whose situation may have changed where they need extra income.
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