.Facebook Friend Tips for Success
How many times does it happen to you? You get a random friend request from someone you don’t know; they have a picture of their dog; their wall is blocked from the public view and they don’t send a personal message saying why they want to be friends?
ARGH!?! What is up with that?
Please don’t tell me you do it! And, if you do, and you just didn’t know, take these tips to heart and you’ll quickly find that your time spent on Facebook and other Social Media sites is much more productive!
Facebook and Social Media sites are NOT the place for Drive By connections! If you want to use Facebook successfully for your business, here are 5 key tips for making real connections with people.
1. Send a personal message
2. Use your REAL picture
3. Invest time in making sure you are networking with people who share your values
4. Keep your wall clean
5. Engage regularly
Tip #1 – Send a personal message. If you don’t really know someone, and you want them to accept you as a friend, take the time to make some type of connection for them. Tell them why you are requesting their friendship; tell them who and/or what you have in common; share something about them that makes you interested in not just adding them to your “posse” but connecting with and getting to know them.
Tip #2 – Use a real picture. You’ve probably heard this before, but is it called FACEBOOK for a reason. I don’t know about you, but I have no interest in connecting with someone’s dog or bottle of juice in cyberspace. That’s not a connection. You don’t have to be a supermodel; but you do want to be smiling; dressed appropriately; and preferably by yourself in the picture so we know with whom we are accepting a connection.
Tip #3 – Invest time in making sure you are networking with people who share your values. Personally, I check out the profile and wall of everyone who makes a friend request, and of those who I make friend requests of. I’m not interested in profanity, your politics (within reason) or how wasted you got in Vegas last weekend. And, I am not interested in your Farmville, Mafia wars or Blingie things either. What things will I see immediately on your wall or profile that let me know we have things in common?
Tip #4 – Keep your wall clean. People will make an immediate judgment and evaluation of you within seconds of landing on your wall. What impression do you want them to make? If it’s filled with nothing but opportunity ads and game scores, what do you suppose that perception is going to be? Your wall represents you, every bit as much if not more than your picture. Visit your wall regularly and make sure it is “representing” well for you and that others aren’t cluttering it up, either.
Tip #5 – Engage regularly. Adding a “friend” is one thing; developing a friendship is another. Make it a point to get to know people. Send a personal message; visit the profiles of friends regularly and just say hi; start a conversation; get to know them. Your goal in social media marketing is to stand out from the crowd; to be memorable; even more, to become unforgettable! This is done by having a voice and engaging it with others!
Facebook is an amazing tool for finding others; connecting and developing your business when used correctly. I hope these tips have been useful and I look forward to engaging with you on Facebook! Let’s connect! How about Twitter?
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And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
Hello Jackie, thanks for this great post on how to effectively connect with friends on Facebook. This is need to know information for anyone using Facebook as a business tool.
I have already started implementing some of your Facebook tips. I have also placed a link to your article on my blog to share this information with my blog readers.
Thank you so much for sharing this info with us.
Awesome Sandy! Glad the Facebook tips are helping out! And thanks for the link. Hope I can help some others!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Thanks Michael! It’s back to the “cocktail party” analogy. Behave the same way online that you would offline!
Thanks for sharing!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Great Job Jackie on letting folks know how to properly connect with others on facebook. I have recommended this page to many on my list.
Aloha Jackie,
I love the 5 tips to making friends on FB. You make it very clear what to do and what not to do! I didn’t know all of these tips when I first used FB and I used to make all those mistakes. Thanks to wonderful people like you who share tips for all of us, I’m proud to say I do all of them. You post reminded me to “clean out” friends who I haven’t been engaging with lately.
Much mahalo (thank you),
Kellie 🙂
I think a lot of us make these mistakes in the beginning, and it’s a case of – you don’t know, what you don’t know, ha!
You are a total pro, Kellie, so no worries on your end. You are blazing a solid trail for others to follow!
Thanks for sharing.
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer