4 Network Marketing Success Principles
Are you over-complicating your Network Marketing business? Network Marketing is such a simple concept and yet so many people drag the process down by trying to re-invent the wheel or complicating the simple systems for success. While each company will be a little different, the basic principles do not change! Here are the 4 Success Principles in Network Marketing!
1. Prospecting – this is the critical first step. Nothing happens unless you open your mouth and let people know about your business. Your goal is not to sell or convince anyone – it is simple to invite them to take a look and decide for themselves. The most important thing you must learn to do is learn the art of inviting, and developing rapport with your prospect that makes it about the prospect, and not you or your business. Remember – WIIFM – What’s In It For Me!!!
2. Intentional Follow Up – The key to effective follow-up, once you have introduced the business is to make the conversation about your prospect. Stop beating them over the head with the features of your company. Talk about what how it’s going to benefit them and solve a challenge in their life. This is intentional follow up, and keeps it specific to the person to whom you are speaking.3. Sponsoring – yep, you must sign people up in your business. And, this is just the first step. This is NOT success. Success is once your new person duplicates the process. Get comfortable asking people to join you in your business. People like to be invited to be part of something awesome!
4. Launch Phase – this is the critical phase of getting your person launched in their business and their first three enrollments. Help your new person earn and check and you’ll create a solid stable business and income! Do you know how to launch a new partner in business? Have a plan and make it simple! Mentor your new partners on the exact steps!
There will always be people who take action and those who do not. You don’t control that. You do, however, control the steps that you are taking to make this happen!
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I teach mindset mastery, as well as Network Marketing and Social Media Mastery.
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PS: If You Are Struggling to Sponsor, and Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is Where You Want to Start DirectSalesBootcamp.com
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hi Jackie, thanks for the information – i have been in the industry for a while, with very limited success, mostly due to a lack of conviction and discipline. I have recently decided to pick it up again, and your article here is a good reminder of how to stay on the right track.