Making a Difference in Your Business
Success in your Network Marketing business is not about some elaborate plan. In fact, the more simple you keep it, the better. Don’t try to complicate it. Just follow these 3 simple steps and see what you create in the next 90 days!
I challenge you – make this your 90 day action plan!
Set Your Intentions – intentions are a lot like goals, and yet they are unique because they are all about what you can control. If you will set your intentions around action steps that you commit to taking, you will be astounded at the results. Here are some ideas of intentions you might set:
- Call 2 people each day to introduce your business – you don’t need to ask them to buy, or try, just let them know you have a business; and would love to share some details in case they might know of anyone who could use your service/products or who might be looking for a second income. Then, find out how to best get information to them.
- Follow up with those who you have introduced your business to, and get some feedback.
- Attend one Networking event each week.
- Write a weekly blog post, using good keywords that might pick up the interest of a potential prospect who is searching online for what you offer
- Connect with 2 – 5 people each day on Social Media – by connect, I mean do more than just “friend request” them. Interact and find out more.
Get very clear on your “WHY” and review it daily – your why must be your powerful motivator that gets you to follow through on the intentions you have set for yourself. Without a strong, compelling why, what is going to motivate you to take action? Especially if the last few people you talked to told you “no.” I have heard “no” thousands of times regarding my business. And, not one of them matters in keeping me solid on my path. What is your why? Is it written down? Accessible to you regularly? Powerful enough to make you cry, you want it so badly?
Finally, take action! Be out there everyday taking some kind of action in your business. And, this needs to be income producing action. Talking to and signing up new customers and business builders; introducing your opportunity and products/services; following up; interacting with your team! These are all action steps that will take you where you want to go.
Obstacles are sure to show up along your journey, and these are only there to make you stronger and separate the serious from the tire kickers. Which are you?
EXPECT Success, always!
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And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
Hey Rich! 2011 is already full speed ahead and I’m just hanging on, ha! Thanks for all of your feedback and insight on DAP, I’ll keep you posted and look forward to watching your launch. And, see you in Vegas, baby!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Great advice as always. I hope you are having a great 2011 so far!
Talk to you soon.