The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning. – Ivy Baker Priest
How was your “Twenty-Ten?” Was it all that you had hoped it would be? Did you accomplish your goals, dreams and wildest aspirations?
Does it ever seem like the road is long, and it’s taking forever to get there? Like you’ll never quite get it done? We may be at the end of the year, but we might also be at the beginning of the journey. Life IS a journey. It’s a marathon and not a sprint. And having a good roadmap for the marathon is a key part of it.
2010 did not turn out at all like I had thought that it would when it began. In fact, it is quite different, in every sense of the word. And yet, it has shaped up to be even better. Sometimes, being open to the unexpected and not fearful of change is what will allow us to reach our destination much more quickly. And in the way we are intended.
It was a year of excellence in my family. Everyone had a healthy, productive and truly exceptional year, and we are so grateful and appreciative. It was also a year of excellence in health. We are all healthy and grateful for that.
It was an interesting journey along my career path and business. Life presented many opportunities and I was inspired with the thought to “let go and take a leap of faith.” And, that is exactly what I did.
In early spring, I took a “Business Passion Quiz” and came to the stark reality that I had lost my zest for pursuing my business goals, as they were currently written out. I was not following my authentic path; or building “my own perfect beast.” Somehow, I had sidetracked myself into doing “the status quo.” Maybe I was playing small; taking the easy path, or even hiding?
This led me to do some careful soul searching and ponder some serious decisions. Should I just “chase a paycheck” or should I make some business changes in order to build my own business that is in more in alignment with my values, interests and business skill set? My son was turning 18 and wanted to stretch his wings in a business, too. I have had a huge passion and goal for building an international, internet based business since October, 1999 when I started online.
I have been fortunate to have built two multi-million dollar business skill sets. (With the help and support of some great mentors!) These include how to successfully build a network marketing organization and how to use the power of the internet to get ranked at the top of Google; develop a brand in Social Media and attract my target audience, generating leads and business sign-ups.
All of these opportunities, questions and signposts led me to make some exciting changes. Here are some changes I made; and some things I learned. This is my 2010 in Retrospect:
1. I started a new business partnership with a friend, helping small, local and home/direct sales businesses get launched on the Internet; found on Google; and creating a buzz on Social Media. Online tools are the “new” yellow pages and newspapers, and we know how to get people “found!” (Taking advantage of what I have learned and mastered over 11 years online now!) Find out more at – All Things Social Online
2. As a family, we added a new network marketing business component. This fits in perfectly with assisting home, Direct Sales and small businesses with their customer attraction and retention; is highly internet based and follows my passion of building an international business. (Again, this takes advantage of my success in building large, solid network marketing businesses and combining the power of the internet with that.) Learn more at Work With Jackie Ulmer
3. I expanded my coaching, training and educational business for Network Marketers and Online Marketers. I believe so strongly in the power of home business and the internet as a tool for anyone to move a business forward! This is an exciting time to be assisting those who also “get it” and want to jump on-board! Find out more on my coaching, and products at – Jackie Ulmer ‘s Coaching
4. Not everyone will embrace you or the changes you decide to make, and that is okay. I learned that this past year. We meet many people along our business path. Some are friends before and remain true friends; others are “business friends” and when that business relationship changes, the “friendship” can sometimes go with it. And, some people we met because of our business and they remain lifelong friends regardless of business changes. I am grateful for all of those who have shared this journey with me. I’ve learned so much.
5. Fear of change is deadly. I am passionate about living my life with as few regrets as possible. I don’t want to go “lights out” and realize that I stunted my growth by living in fear; specifically fear of change!
I am so excited about the possibilities that are ahead in 2011. I am embracing what lies ahead and look forward to sharing parts of that path with you, in some capacity.
Watch for a lot more generic training webinars for 2011; training on network marketing; social media marketing; and creating the business of your dreams. If you have something specific you want more of, leave it in the comments below and let’s chat about it!
I appreciate you! Please share any changes you have made or are thinking of making. Let’s enjoy this journey together!
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I would love to hear your feedback and comments. Let’s exchange ideas below. Just leave your thoughts/questions.
And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
Hey Rhea! Thanks for your comments and feedback! Change can be frightening and I have also found that when we embrace it, we find something even greater!
And, the internet has a way of bringing like minds together in REAL life so my guess is we will meet some day! I sure hope so!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
What a delightful article! I love it when people are honest and ‘up front’ with others and are not afraid to share the bad as well as the good in their lives and business decisions.
Change can be a frightening thing but we all must learn to embrace it and learn from it. Your decisions are going to impact even more lives in the future; I’m so happy to have met you – even if just on-line and not in person!
Thanks Debra! It was definitely from the heart! I appreciate you!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Jackie, This was one of the BEST articles I have read recently and one of yours that really speaks from the heart. I appreciate YOU and all I have learned from you and wish you nothing but spectacular years ahead!