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Building a Network Marketing Business as a Single Mom or Dad
Welcome to the Street Smart Wealth, Profit in Your PJs Podcast, show #71, How to Be Successful in Network Marketing as a Single Parent.
Today, I’m going to share how to build a Direct Sales Business as a single mom, or dad, and the steps that one must take to be successful, on limited time.
Are you looking for coaching on how to build a successful business online and offline? My inner circle coaching can be found at SocialMediaBackstagePass.com It covers A-Z how to build a network marketing business as well as how to tap into and use Social Media as a resource to generate leads and build a local or global business.
iTunes Show Review Shout Outs!
I want to extend a special thanks to Rachel Henke from the UK, who gave this show an outstanding review over on iTunes! Also, thanks to Brent Hamman from Phoenix, Arizona who also gave the show a review. Rachel and Brent, I appreciate you!
So, if you have people on your team who you want taking action, refer them to the podcast!
And, make sure your name is entered in the drawing for a free month of Social Media Backstage Pass coaching by completing your review! Go to JackieUlmer.com/itunes
How to Be Successful in Network Marketing as a Single Parent
Today, I want to cover a topic that people ask a lot and that is how to build a business as a single mom, or dad.
We all have such busy schedules today and finding time to do anything extra can seem impossible at times.
But, as they say, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
If you want to own your life, own your time, and to some degree, own your income, then you must MAKE the time and get very focused and serious about your time and calendar.
I did a previous show on this and it can be found at –
Success is about a few simple things –
Contact, Invite, Present, Follow Up, Sponsor, Train and Duplicate
Sounds oversimplified but it is true.
These are all business skills that can be developed.
So, let’s get into how to do this and How to Be Successful in Network Marketing as a Single Parent:
I recently received an email from a new team partner, looking to use online methods to build her business, who said –
I’m a recently divorced single mother of four daughters and my desire is to not only be the breadwinner in my household, but to make a great income while being a WAHM, like you. I was a WAHM when I was married and I want to do better financially as a WAHM now than when I was married. Can you show me how?
My answer is – You bet! Nothing I have done over the last 20 years is a secret or anything that anyone else “Can’t” do. It’s more often been a case of what others WON’T do to be successful. There are no tricks OTHER THAN –
Be very clear on your why;
Be very clear on your commitment;
Talk to your family about your goals and involve them in the process.
never quit on a bad day;
Be consistent;
Put your blinders on and avoid the distraction of bright shiny objects.
Study, learn and master the business skills needed to be successful.
Talk to at least 2 people a day about your business, even if you are getting started using the internet as a tool.
As far as the online piece of it, there is nothing magical in any system that’s being “sold” out there! Success takes hard work, period! Immerse yourself in the journey and have fun!
We must master the skill of finding out what another person really wants before we jump into sharing the details of what we offer.
This takes time and practice. Almost all of us start this process feeling a little rusty, like a fish out of water. It’s most often not something we have done before, so it’s normal to feel uncomfortable.
Start to get over this by becoming authentically interested in finding out why another person might also be interested in pursuing this journey with you.
Learn good success language to start and finish the process.
Set realistic goals and expectations for yourself. The financial side of this is so important.
As part of this email, this question was also asked –
I’d like to make six figures within 12 months. This goal means I need to earn $300 per day online starting now.
My answer to that –
That’s a great goal to have out there, AND, it’s important to be realistic. Do you make 6 figures now? I only ask because there is a mindset shift that has to happen for most people to get there. Most people who want to climb Mt Everest won’t make it the first year they start training. Even if they went full time and took massive action, it IS a process. Don’t let that deter you. Just be realistic and again, focus on being consistent.
Setting too big of a goal can almost be worse than setting no goal at all, especially when it throws us into fear and scarcity mode, even subconsciously.
When someone has not really earned anything yet from their business, and then they need to be earning $300 a DAY right now, yikes!
That is most likely a Mt. Everest type of goal.
First of all, one must understand the timeline of success and how momentum and growth occurs in this business.
You have to create momentum, and that doesn’t happen overnight. The steps you take your first three months may not yield much in terms of tangible results. But, there is stuff going on behind the scenes that you don’t know about! I promise. People begin watching and evaluating.
What you earn daily in month one will not be the same as month 3 or 6 and so on, if you are being consistent and are creating growth.
Your team members also must begin creating momentum to create the type of growth you are looking for. And, it can be a time process for them as well.
Think of your own story. Did you take action right away? What did your first few weeks or months look like in the business? Where did you excel? Where did you stumble? Have you had a pattern of starting and stopping, starting and stopping?
Expect that some on your team are going to do this as well. It’s not until we get a core group of builders on the team that things REALLY begin to happen, without us being the “driver” all of the time.
Let’s cover the specifics that must be consistent that I mentioned at the beginning –
Be very clear on your why; seriously, without a strong, powerful, compelling “must have” why, it is SO easy to procrastinate and ultimately give up, and blame a lot of things outside of our control for our lack of success. If you have not clearly defined a powerful why that compels, and I mean compels you to take action each day, that will be your #1 stumbling block and I encourage you to do that NOW, before you take a single other step.
Be very clear on your commitment; commitment involves making a decision. It’s not about hoping, wishing and just thinking about it. Look at other areas of your life and commitments you have made or not made. I like to use the gym as an example. Or diet, weight loss, fitness, etc.
It’s no mystery what it take to get in shape, lose weight and such. For most who are failing in this area, it’s just simply a lack of COMMITMENT, and follow through.
So, be honest with yourself and your level of commitment.
Thinking about your business is NOT the same as working your business although it can lull us into thinking that we are spending all this time and getting no where.
Talk to your family about your goals and involve them in the process. Explain why you are building your business and what they can expect from you; what you need from them; and open it up for questions. ASK THEM to assist and support you. Listen to my previous show on ways to involve them.
Never quit on a bad day; always give yourself the space of 24 hours to re-evaluate anything. Quitting is MUCH easier than seeing the job through.
Be consistent; this is much like commitment. Just do it!
Put your blinders on and avoid the distraction of bright shiny objects. This can be such a challenge and the reality is that only YOU can control it. Always ask – is this moving me closer to my goal. And, if so, how? Here is a tip – there are NO secrets. I don’t care what new company, new online system, social media plan and so on, that comes along. There is no flip to switch or overnight success way of doing things. Whatever it is takes work. My 20 years in this profession has proven this over and over.
Study, learn and master the business skills needed to be successful. We started with that, and these include –
Contact, Invite, Present, Follow Up, Sponsor, Train and Duplicate
Talk to at least 2 people a day about your business, even if you are getting started using the internet as a tool.
While you are learning to generate leads online, you still need to be contacting new people. Don’t use this as a reason to stop doing business building activities, just because you are developing a blog and so on.
Look at it this way – let’s say you have a jewelry store and you are moving to a new location. You don’t stop selling from the old location, or opening the store daily while the new one is being built. Or at least I hope not!
In closing, just remember that we all have the same 24 hours in the day, even as a single parent. Please go back and listen to my show on this topic at –
The requirements of success don’t change. The steps don’t change. We all most often need to burn some midnight oil to make the transition we want. I can’t tell you how many times I went to bed, then got up at midnight, and worked until 2am and then went back to bed while I was learning the skills of the internet.
It wasn’t ideal, but I knew for sure that those 2 hours were MINE and there would be no distractions from family or household stuff at that hour! Looking back, I don’t miss that sleep I didn’t get and I am SO glad I did it. Was it worth it? Absolutely. And, it takes discipline, I know.
Or get up earlier in the day. Think of the military. They have a slogan that goes something like – we get more done before the sun comes up than most people do all day….
All great things happen outside of our comfort zone!
Look at your calendar and see where you can create time for your business.
Determine your skill level at contacting, inviting and so on and see where you might need improvement and take steps to do just that – improve.
Schedule time to sit down with your family and discuss your plans, your commitment and how they can be involved!
BELIEVE that you can do it, because you CAN!
Do you have a question? Ask it at JackieUlmer.com/questions
Until next time – remember this – Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!
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EXPECT Success!
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Starting a business is hard no matter your situation in life. I like your tip to talk to at least two people a day about your business. This is especially important to remember when you are distracted by other projects that might not be directly related to marketing or promotion. Thanks for all this great information!
Thanks April! I appreciate your thoughts!
It IS hard, but what isn’t, right? It’s more about defining which “hard road” we want to travel and then changing our thoughts around what hard is!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer