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A Day in the Life of an Internet Marketer
Now, to give a disclaimer right up front, I have never considered myself a true “internet marketer.” I see myself as a Direct Sales, Network Marketer who uses the tools of the internet to generate leads, sign up customers and team partners and basically build my business.
Along with that, I benefit from multiple stream of income, through affiliate programs and other products that complement what I do online. I don’t sell or promote anything I don’t use myself, and fully believe in. That policy has served me well. So, the question that often comes up is –
What does a day in the life of an Online Business Builder Look Like?
I was recently interviewed by one of my VIP Team Partners and we answer that question, and a few others.
This podcast covers:
A Day in the Life of an Online Business Owner
How and Why for an Online Business
Pure Leverage, the Tools and How to Build ANY Business With It
Simple Money System and How It Fits In
How Pure Leverage and Simple Money System Compare to Other “Systems” Out There
Finding Your Niche
Should You Focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and a Page 1 Google Ranking
Q and A
and more.
Why Build an Online Business Podcast
Building Your Brand Online Podcast
Managing Social Media Overwhelm Podcast – you might want to start here, ha ha!
How I Built My Business Online Podcast
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EXPECT Success!
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Great podcast. As always enjoy listening to you
Jackie. Worth listening to.
Thanks so much Tammy! I appreciate you!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer