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Prosperity Mindset for MLM Success
So often, we start at the wrong place in our business. We start with trying to learn the nuts and bolts of “how” to do the business, when we aren’t really clear on “why” to do the business.
And, we often have a lot of emotional garbage and baggage from the past that will throw boulders in the path along our journey.
Being simply aware of these things is the first step in mastering them. And, then, getting clear on some action steps that you can take daily to align your focus and develop the mindset you MUST have for success is another crucial step.
In today’s podcast, you are going to get some key concepts in how to do this, and how to create an ongoing “mindset practice” that will help move you forward, and steps you can take to also move your team forward.
Everything you possibly want to create in your life is right at your fingertips when you get your focus, your mind, your thoughts and your beliefs in alignment.
You are where you are in your life right now because of your mindset, your beliefs, and your thinking. And, this leads to your actions and results.
Wealthy thinking begins on the inside.
How do you see yourself right now? What adjectives come to mind to describe you?
Your self image, what you think you are worth, creates your beliefs and thinking, your thinking creates your decisions, your decisions create your actions and your actions create your results. It all begins with how you look at yourself and whether or not you think you DESERVE to be wealthy and successful.
Deserve is a BIG WORD. Think on it a bit!
I want to share some differences here between Average People and Wealthy People. And, please note that “wealthy”, by my definition is not just financial. It is peace of mind, time freedom, health and well being, relationships and overall happiness.
Average people believe their lives are happening to them, wealthy people believe that THEY are happening to their lives. Average people let fear of past experiences stop them, wealthy people refuse to give up on their goals and dreams. Failure is not part of their vocabulary. “Survival thinking” looks like responsible thinking but it’s not. IT will stop you dead in your tracks EVERY time. Average people believe there is not enough to go around; wealthy people believe there is enough for everyone.
Average people ask – how much does it cost; wealthy people ask – how much can I make. Average people say – I can’t do it; wealthy people ask – how can I do this? What do I need to know to make this work for me, too?
Listen in to the rest of the podcast as we cover these key steps to identifying limiting beliefs and creating key triggers to shift those beliefs:
1. Why and What you want.
2. Creating a Detailed Life and Business Vision
3. Creating Triggers to set you up for success
4. Getting your family onboard and involved in your goals and intentions
5. Letting go of activities and feelings that don’t serve you
6. Establishing 3 things you really want in the next 60 days
7. Establishing action steps to make it happen
8. Writing out your check from the universe
9. Homework assignments!
Resources from the Podcast:
Download the Prosperity Worksheet with the Blank Check and Homework!
Creating “I Am” Statement Cards – set up a customer account and use it to mail yourself cards detailing what you plan to achieve and cards/gifts. There is an “I Am” category, or be creatieve and create your own, upload your own pictures and more. And, you can create a vision board/poster in the PhotoStore.
Music for Listening – Baroque Channel or Heart Meditations – Pandora.com
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That would help immensely in getting the word out! Thanks.
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Let’s have some conversation!
EXPECT Success!
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Great podcast! I love how you took “wealth” and put into a bigger context than just money – family, health, career, etc.! A wealth mindset is so much more than cash! Thank you for sharing your wisdom – and then giving concrete examples to how to implement.
Thanks Lisa! Glad you enjoyed it and YES, wealth is SO much more than money!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
The Right Actions = the Right Results! So true!